bots have learned how to spam comments and nameless told me there weren't any before what a baka >>14577 rember i asked why fufu had thread creation disabled you said spam i asked but what about comments but now they know how to comment
Here's my email, for the sight. Idk why, but instinct tells me that I want you to delete these two posts by me. After you fucking email me of course <3.
I genuinely miss you guys. Life is better, but it's lonelier in a way.
Just when I think they won't even rremember me, they tey to puk Try to pull a fast one..
[ Failed so hard, may as well nor ffinish the post.
I'll just say I hAvent been back Because I ffelt lIke everyone though I couldnt move on past imageboards
Everything I pposted, I was nagged by sense of "you can do better", you're capable, bUT there's ssomething mmissing where you can fit in anywhere. I ssuspect that ssomething May have jjust bbeen self love.
But hell, if Idk, I'm f going to bed . I aappreciate your guys so much, I do Nt think you uunderstand. Aalso how much I miss you bUT also am tryinh to 1
I don't remember at all how most of these names map to what I remember them as also I guess nala cut ties with a bunch of people and left everywhere /bun/ related
I wonder what happened to those brazilian homos that used to hang out here ;_______; maybe it's some sort of stress related mental break but I keep looking at old threads and posts and missing people >>4103 ➡ where have all the buns gone ;_;
gonna leave work early and go to sleep I think still gonna be longing for buns but maybe then I can do something about it instead of being completely scatterbrained buns,
oh all the old posts are still in redis I guess, or at least most of them? seems to be ~2000 missing, mostly <1000 not the images of course, but I think they're still on the worm
A classic one! Old spoiler images too. Updating the software from the version /bun/ was on originally to the version /bun/ was on when it crashed that one time!
>>14995 wwwwwwwwww there's a bunch of stuff in here that probably should not have actually been pushed to github by you phobie.mp3 wwwwwwww
several copies of pirated minecraft
played ZZZ for a few days, but there really doesn't seem to be much going on in it doesn't help that I actually liked the game they're obviously aping this time w
I'm working right now on pushing the version of the software to what's in that repo instead of this older version too but it means moving to a different VM because hyper-V is SHIT probably a bit more stable after that too and coffee will actually work properly instead of being a cludged cronscript
wwwwwwww I opened up my old PC today to look for those but somehow it jumps right from 2014 to 2018 and there's only a couple bun related things in there they must all be on my old school computer
Well, if I'm being honest all of my images from back then are only on my phone because the drive I saved all my images to died and I both didn't do a backup and wasn't able to recover anything. But at least they're there on my phone. Only weird thing is I remember posting with those images but I could've sworn I changed the filenames but most of them are still danbooru file names. Oh well.
wwwwwwwww I never named my files, still don't really. They're all either unix/4chan naming or twitter names. Except a few making fun of people. Turned it off after looking but there was one puff one That 2hu Miko crossdressing one wwwwww
wwww even know I still get those kind of jokes about me can't escape wwwwwwwwwwwwww there it is >>15142 Hmm, I guess you were on that relationship map being gay for sui and/or yasu
Phone isn't playing nice so I guess I'll just grab some new ones. Been meaning to go collect Mikos again. Also that relationship map is a throwback. Can hardly remember what the context was around it anymore.
>>15144 Let me see if I remember Top left to top right I think it's: maria, hazy + glasser, yasu, kirin, kiki, eku, smobert me, (forget the name, 19 years old and also a VIPPER), ohio, phobie nala+cabbage, ahoge, bun, you no clue, sui tuna, stuco, cannie I vaguely remember an updated version, but I don't have it wwwwww
wwwwwww might be easier just because I made it Who that burger is and what the name of the KLK poster was are going to bug me though oh the burger might be Sayo?
Too bad we don't have the archives(?) it'd be kinda fun to go back and read everything again.
>>15148 This nerd >>15068 still has them www At least between the end and what the retention was set to at that point, I think before that might be lost? There was another guy who briefly hosted the site in 2018 or so that put it up with all the archives, but I don't know what happened to him, okinan? I think. Someone named Noel was here, and felty for a while, but neither have posted in a good long time. I met up with Noel even wwww Don't have contact for him at all though, I think he was quitting the internet and going innawods or something.
ah yes the classic innawoods many have been lost contact with due to such proclivities I'm not gonna spellcheck that I kinda kept talking to rori and nala for a while after I stopped visiting sites like these but talks kinda stopped things seemed good last I remembered though by the way is here or the other site more used or are they both equally ded
to be honest though it's been years since then so you might be more up to date than me www like I didn't even know that particular bit of information you just dropped about rori also not like we can't take this conversation over
>>15259 Yeah... I guess there was a while cycle of resurgence and decay in the years of absence www Felty and Noel were around for a while, and NiceBird sometimes Cabbage and Bun but it seems this // that was only temporary ;_;
semirandom tangent i was able to participate on otaku conventions with cosplayers and the like it wasnt anything too big but it was characters i recognized and especially music
Nice, the ones around here seem particularly low in quality so I haven't been (the closest uses a basketball stadium as the venue), but I've seen a fair amount of anime stuff cropping up in the renaissance faire as the years have gone on wwwww Not even just Guts! There were a few Kirito cosplayers there last time I went wwwwwww
My wicked past unfolded, all the drunken vodka When another bolt of lightning killed a hundred head of gucas And the others rushed on by me, and I was left to live The Bunners had a reason, life is his to take or give
>>15269 wwwwwwwww Yeah, it's entirely possible for the underlying node process to die and get brought back by s6 in the middle of a post
because the code underneath has some problems in fascinating places who knew that changing the core functionality of your language, and system level dependencies would break things that rely on it
>>15276 My parents are citizens of portugal now wwww It'd be easier if my job would help me set it up, or if I was able to leave my job and go get one in Portugal with one of their tech companies up in the north; but I have to wait until the acquisition here is finalized before I can really cash out wwww
>>15272 The shock of two different anons has frozen inabun's brain because he can't tell them apart >>15279 Wait a minute, I didn't notice because I'm always on mobile but the r/a/dio ribbon is gone now huh uh #q huh at least the link to /radio/ still works: >>>/tano/ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
is that supposed to be the wrong link? lmaooo the first thread is so depressing goddamn lmao >>15282 sushi seems to be right I'm also on phone but I'll hafta check the javascript and find the other links
>>15281 Yes wwwwwwwwwwwwww There's a few others in there that are wrong on purpose too, and just some random ones >>>/sushi/ The threads on that board do not get less depressing, every time I look through one I go spiraling into an existential crisis. That 30+ one has some really long posts by someone that are well written but god damn. also: holy shit
>>15283 wwwwwww Never looked into those, doubt they go back as far as the brief period I was there in the very beginning, although last time I looked there's still someone carrying on the old Rei#clones mantle
Power keeps blinking off, djb might go down soon wwwww but at least I won’t have to copy the carts in again this time >>15339 also the reason I died at bar
>>15405 Saw DUNE PART 2 a while back with some friends, pretty good Mostly watching old TV these days, went through all of LAW & ORDER and it’s really great. The first few seasons of SVU are pretty good too, before it becomes completely goofy wwww Watched the whole run of EVIL, it’s not good, very bad show, but in baffling ways www YOLO: Crystal Fantasy/Silver Destiny are really good, better than smiling friends by the same guy. Watched a couple good horror movies the last year, coming home in the dark, lost and the wicked, what Jedediah saw, Mandy, uh color out of space
oh yeah this last week or so I’ve been watching BANSHEE, pretty good, it’s basically an American version of the yakuza games wwwwww and The Wire, absolutely fantastic show but it falls apart halfway through the fifth season also The Lost Room, which is basically SCP with every actor you’ve ever heard of in it >>15407 Watch it! It’s really good, and you've seen gifs from it probably for over a decade now, they’re still huge memes wwwwwww
Dune 2 was really good, I saw that in theaters >the wire I've been recommended that one too if I like breaking bad and ozarks which I did, so I'll have to check out the wire.
I haven't watched an actual TV show in such a long time, it's always been just anime shows for me
Banshee is pretty funny, it’s from back when Cinemax was still kinda a porn thing so there’s one scene every episode that’s the MC fucking some girl from the town, then the rest is brawling with gangsters or weirdly convoluted political drama www >>15407 wwww it’s a good time o // to catch up on old mid to good tv; because it all sucks now and anime has gotten worse wwwwwwwwwwwww ooh yeah I watched a few seasons of CHUCK again, pretty good for that kind of sitcom
recently watched a new season episode of L&O, holy shit TV has gotten bad, it’s half the runtime it used to be but in the same size time slot, because of all the ads so there’s barely any story, and no time for false leads, it’s a detective story that is just straightforward as shit, and barely a trial scene either >>15409 Yeah, SY is finally a good Mizukami show shame they have //made the Kyoto loli god wear clothes when she didn’t in the manga wwwwwww Yeah not much in the pipe it seems, been catching up with anime recently. Saw the Yuri Seijin OVAs, stellar masterpieces, I guess at one time UFOTABLE actually had it. Unbreakable Machine Doll was the kind of slop we just don’t get anymore, didn’t make any sense at all, pretty good otherwise.
PLS They're literally slightly smaller than yours! oh wait you probably have rotation data enabled in your browser wwwwwwwwwwww doesn't quite do it correctly
oh when I hover over it, the image is fine clicking it makes yours more distorted than mine, idk
>>15475 yeah that's almost certainly EXIF rotation data wwwwww I wonder how many times the browser implements a rot90 algorithm, and how many different levels of correctness they have
>>15479 yeah when I open your pictures in a new tab, they'r ealways fine n all It's just weird that it's always only your pictures wwww Including all your orbs back on the old bun
expanding it doesn't work but opening in new tab works fine.
that's, strange If it's rotation it should just be the opposite resolution 3:4/4:3 from the upload, but it seems to not match up right to just rotating the image??? >>15478 wwwwwwwwwwwww Wait which old bun, there were orbs on the intermediate okinan bun and - >>15480 Ah, this same bun, but before I fixed the code wwwww The great eras of /bun/, the early biumvirate, the middle inabun empire, the dark ages, the okinan new republic, and the holy VIPPERand bunpire >>15480 The reformat-bun
Haven’t grilled nearly enough this summer w guess the gluten free buns really killed it for burgers most of the time w
oh do you have celiac now? or I guess you always have celiac if you have it, just didn't notice it before or something I might have celiac or like a lower gluten tolerance or something I will feel shitty if I eat too much bread but that may just be.. everyone
>>15531 ah no, my brother does developed it at the end of last year, not something he had to begin with
oh huh
>>15534 I wonder why I always assume I don't have celiac but ehhh who knows It could just be a thing with Lyme disease where, like, it was just never reported and so the number of Lyme diseases "are increasing"
>pesticides could be, could be I am oblivious in this area so
apparently an increasingly common thing of people developing it in their late and mid 20s, or even later w >>15533 Doesn't seem much consensus on that, might be genetic factors, or something with pesticides. Ongoing field of study. Part of the lyme disease thing was purely psychosomatic too wwwwww
waow waow and assgass plus either curry or some mushroom gravy??
Just a chicken sauce: >>>/watch?v=Ze7LyJVhexE I really enjoy this recipe, add extra stuff to it afterwards This one I removed the extra butter and added cheese instead and just eating chicken by itself is way too meaty for me wwww
hmm, I should source some whole chicken, most of the places around here it's just thighs or soup bones I have a bunch of recipes that would work with thighs and other skin-on parts
>>15575 Only cooked these days, oh they have full ones but they're pre-skinned wwwww could sub in a turkey but that would take all day >>15576 night probably heading to bed myself in 20 or so
>>15697 i mean, the whole server is on your github wwwwwwww been thinking about running some modded thing again, i wonder what packs are good these days not GTNH no one but me would play ww
>>15698 iwant to get back into minecraft but too lazy eroge is enough for me might play this next i clicked "I like busty women in their late forties with huge asses." and it sent me here
>>15721 hmm butter and jelly is a weird combo for a sandwich >>15722 nighto!
wwwwwwwwww my friends have been saying that phrase "gimme a pbj but hold the p" for weeks and I just understood it a few hours ago I thought it was a butter and jelly sandwich too wwwwwwww
I heard Woodrow Wilson’s buns, I heard Maria cryiiing late last night I heard the news that Veracruz was dying i I think I heard my father’s voice he said you must go now, you have no choiiiice
Take the children and ride west breadpata will take the rest
>>15870 so ur good friends with a couple of them then?
There actually was a tranny that used to post on /moe/ and /meguca/ who did porn. But no, don't know any of them now
So there’s a gap in the market that you could fill wwwww
not that there's a lack of transgirls among the buns these days what a bunch of cuties wwwww >>15875 pffft can't crossdress for money because ofgirls how terrible a fate
still annoying people about posting here and that other place a few people have shown up so that's nice signs of life at least from some of the others that either refused or just ignored my messages at least a few more I've got a tenuous line on leezurd and felty completely MIA though sadly and uh, the ones I never had any contact info for too like demo
>>15881 I mean, obiviously, we never really got on politically, although I don't remember anything really happening between me and nala that was that aggr before. Or stuco for that matter but she's always been // or rather I think she had some falling out with some of the others in that group. >>15883 well yeah, I always thought we got on pretty well aside the politics stuff Have you tried reaching out to people on discord or steam or twitter or what not? >>15885 I mean, it's sort of the same for me, that's really the whole reason I've been forcing myself to do so over the past month or so. Had a few pretty good conversations reconnecting with people.
>>15887 Yeah... I wonder if he still thinks of you at all, I mean the last time I spoke to him was years ago and we never really liked each other all that much but he still seemed to have a really intense burning hatred for you and at that point it had been a couple years since it blew up between the two of you. I dunno, I know you never reached out and apologized or anything but he also doesn't really seem like the kinda guy that would really work with. I guess the both of you might have changed quite a bit in the last six years but it doesn't really seem like the either of you is really actively trying to make amends or anything. Plus the both of you had pretty much diametrically opposite storise //stories on what had happened down to like, who asked who out and so on, a real bad taste the way the two of you split. oh yeah mordin used to post here wwww
anyway you should cold-call people and tell them to post on /slicedbread/ again, and like write that on bathroom stalls and such, coming from you it'll be funny and also I'm sure this will get the message to its intended recipients.
>>15892 I thought it would be slightly less depressing. plus I doubt they'd want people from here showing up anyway ww w got rid of the link to magic that's in the repo on github too
>>>/ekustream/ Aww you got rid of this too
well, yeah actually, I don't know if that was in the github but I'm not running icecast off this box or network wwwww
>>15898 I mean, like a 2 or 3? You're going to get yelled at by louisville and probably banned from the site, but the world's a lot bigger these days I don't think you being mildly annoying to people is the biggest issue any of us have going in our lives anymore. It's not like someone coming here and being mad would be particularly disruptive of anything like it used to be wwwwww I guess one of them could yell at ahoge about it, that'd be mildly upsetting?
I should probably make the banner trunctuate...
oh, it probably wouldn't be that hard to add a minecraft command into the code, add a # command that constantly tells you that no one is online in minecraft!
not right now because no one has wanted to play recently... me and some of the GPP guys were running a few different packs over the last two or so years did PFAA and GTNH, and uh a few create things oh this one: was a lot of fun, like a more simple gregtech but it really lags the fuck out once you get past a certain point wwwww
I think everyone's playing satisfactory right now since it just got 1.0
yeah, I think it's just koko, hazy, maria, louisville, notso, and uh you? who post there anymore haven't checked in a long time though >>15919 I spoke to him all of one time and it was when he was really mad at you for fucking up again wwwww oh I guess he was there on the /bun/ shutdown day
>>15924 i played for a bit but it was a huge hassle, setting up SPS or whatever and converting models, way too much work Lots of good streamers who do vrchat stuff on pomf though www >>15923 I know, I looked at the mnemonics just don’t know who would know this place and stuco but not the other place wwwwwww maybe someone who forgot it ;_;
This place isn't secret like the other board. It's the same url bun has ahd since at least 2016 had >>15922 Forgetful old fogey >>15927 Would it have gotten picked up by a domain squatter? Manually sniping a contested domain is cool
>>15926 Probably, had enough popularity that they kept it an extra year on special hold yeah. I guess there are a couple of people I don’t remember at all ;_; I mean, secret is a bit strong, they tried to tell everyone who used bun frequently that had any manner of other contact I I guess more like just not actively looking for completely new people
she's in shape and cute and wears a tracksuit! doesn't bother with looking pretty, just is! I dunno if I end up with Suzuha cuz she's Daru's daughter but ya know let's turn this family tree into a circle babyyyyy
>>16004 I tell me ma when I go home the buns won't leave the breads alone he pulls my hair, he breaks my throne, but that's alright, when I go home he is bunsome he is petty, he's the bun of bunfast city he is courting one two three please tell me bun who is he
Mourn your bread land of the free id you wanna be a hero follow me mourn your bread land of the free id you wanna be a hero follow me and bun and twenty cannon thunder into the bloody wild blue yonder
Thought it was fine when I watched it on a plane years ago a bit heavy handed
How so? Granted, I just watched it 2 seconds ago so I'm always really positive on movies right after I finish Then after I think about it, I'll realize "eh it wasn't that good"
The gay diner stuff was //and the conversation with the lead girl right after was really on the nose w
yeah i figured it was just him being lonely and desperate "gay just because i can't get a girl" kinda vibe
I don't really get what heavy handed means to be honest I'm pretty dumb
Unsubtle, basically dropping a line saying "these are allegories" into the dialogue
oooohhhh yeah there were also some racism "undertones" that were not undertones at all And then misogynistic "undertones" that were not undertones at all Hm it didn't bother me, but I just really cared about the creature and the main girl, everyone else was a side character I didn't care about
Yeah, that kind of thing, although I guess it’s kinda Guillermo Deltoro's style all the stuff in pan's labyrinth and the Pinocchio one he did about Francoism wasn’t exactly subtle either >>16168 it's a great movie but all the demons she sees and rules of her test are directly contrasted with things her abusive fascist stepfather does to her
>>16168 There’s the one where she can’t take any food from the demon with the hand eyes, and the surrounding scenes are him locking up the food in the village to keep it from the partisans
Huh! I legitimately don't remember any undertones or I mean heavy handedness in Pan's Labyrinth I love Pan's Labyrinth and uh... I think in english the devil's backbone? I had to watch all of his movies for Spanish class and they were much better than the other films I was forced to watch www >>16167 Yeah I remember that now Well, I remember her saving the baby with that voodoo doll thing And then he goes and kills it or whatever The only thing I remember from Pan's Labryinth really is all the cool creatures and then the one scene where he sews his mouth back together and takes a swig of alcohol to sterilize it. I thought it was badass lol
>>16167 You know Watching it, I never even noticed that which is great cuz now im notice it next time I watch it wwwww
I wonder if The Devil's Backbone had any of that. I enjoyed that movie because it takes -- well, any of Del Toro's movies, basically takes a horror movie plot and then rather than it being horror, it's either mysterious or adventerous or romantic >>16171 yeah I didn't care for that tbh We watched up to Pan's Labyrinth for Del Toro films because that's when he stopped making them in Spanish www Cronos was the coolest concept, but I don't recommend it lol Pretty shit tbh
wwwww and Crimson Peaks… was a movie
I liked it incest and all wwwww but a fair bit lighter on the themes that one
Didn’t watch the new Pinocchio yet though it’s apparently uh really unsubtle w
wwwwwww hey you shut chyer mouth I do find Del Toro to be, probably, my favorite director just for his scenery and costume design It's also probably cuz I miss the heavy handedness shit
I mean
Hellboy 2 is a masterpiece
hey hey speaking of masterpieces uh And spanish films shit hold on Have you seen Children of Men? There's the long, uncut scene that's really famous, or at least, my professor told me it was famous. >>16177 oh sweet I never know how significant something is, like, my professors tell me "yeah this is a masterpiece" yeah but okay you said la sagrada montana was a masterpiece too and that thing was literal dog shit
hey vip I got a question for you I'm trying to get some porn from this guy but he only charges over I don't have a card that works for some reason Usually I just use paypal Do you know a way to pay on
>>16225 i got 10k raise on my annual salary ww dungeon yes need to move out of the projects first www too bad i still have to slave away my life for 10 years
my seniors are people who tell me using ``continue'' is bad practice i have to fix like 9 nested ifs nested in 3 loops ifs have 5 (!!!) &&s or ||s and then they teach me how continue is bad practice wwwwwwwww guy really hates interfaces no guy really hates abstract classes and wants everything to be interface www why?????
They're running AI in the tab! Still can't track epics properly anymore
i argued for half an hour to avoid doing something dumb ww my design: fileExists() removeFile() his design: fileExistCheckerRemover(Boolean isOperationFileExistChecker)
>>16305 Spent an HOUR on wednesday trying to find the missing 40 points from jira
jesus fucking christ what I mean, it's java, wouldn't it be like have a child object of type File with methods remove and check
if isOperationFileExistsChecker and fileExists then it does something i mean you get the idea aaaaaaa why merge 2 independent operations yes wwwwww great now i'm thinking of better solutions ww
also fucking java stupid i wanted to assign the reference no one class only has getter no setter for the list i can't do List list = &foo.getList() and then list.add() because it wont update the thing thanks java it doesnt return the actual object give me my pointers
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how very java especially the naming better solution: struct t { enum b { OPCHECK, OPREMOVE}; ...
so many ideas oh right java enums just flat out don't work they're not enums >>16307 List<arrayList> list and you have to do like arrays.asList(array) too oh yeah that bullshit return the value versus return the object vs update without returning awful
There are a few libs that let you use pointers but they're awful, most of the minecraft mods use them now LWJGL is all about getting pointers back w >>16309 As soon as the buyout actually comes through for me I'm cutting and running w
>>16309 Yeah, we're getting bought by the government of germany through the marshal plan, supposedly they're revaluing the fake shares we have to ~1y of salary as a lump sum yeah it's 50% them 50% one other company, they're buying out the last of the independent holders wwwwww
playing many satisfactory just make me want to make more difficult minecraf mods
I have a lot of trouble telling my coworkers to code up to 80 char per line It's painful trying to debug a 150 char if statement ;_; Also we do data processing, no reason to have classes on classes on classes It's a simple non-linear algorithm processing 1 frame of data. Just use a single function
I like the fortran programmers more than matlab programmers
>>16317 3d factorio, but not quite as deep >>16319 wwwwww I mean, long lines are fine if they are logically very tight but like anything with a bunch of grouped ORs can be it's own line good old ken format: if( a || b || wwwww of course indented to line up can't really think of any problem I've ever faced where object oriented stuff has helped rather than hindered
I like object oriented code for GUIs But I just make everything a little submodule in Qt And then a big object for the entire window with each widget in its QGridLayout
microui and a struct full of function pointers www technically not object oriented!
Hey there's callbacks and those are tricky!
oof the worst model of concurrency! for all it's faults, at least Go forces everyone to use CSP wwwwww
and the only callbacks you can really do in C are LONGJMP
I don't really know concurrency, that was our weeder CS class and I never took it It was a super hard class
>>16326 ooooo that is cook cool* Our professor showed the last few years of grades in the class and said "80% of the class passed last semester, so I had to make it more difficult this semester" And that is when I changed classes Fuck him
I got to use a supercomputer for that class >>16325 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Never had one of those in CS, there were a bunch of writing profs like that though.
To be honest I appreciate them not sticking with the mindset that each exam should be a 90% average and all pass But c'mon dude Some professors held our hand the entire time and others shoved their fist up our butt Just, ya know, tickle our balls
Probably gotta change my supercomputer over to Linux instead of BSD ;_; gpu support not good
You have your own supercomputer??
We wanted (as in our linux club) wanted to buy like 32 raspberry pi's and make it into a cheap supercomputer for students to practice working on a supercomputer without actually wasting time on a real supercomputer But they hard to come by now
Bought a bunch of old boxes and threw old GPUs in them on a switch, all diskless nfs and pxe boot with MPI configured one node is actually pretty beefy though, probably gonna repurpose it since it’s got a bunch of 10G NICs
Wow that is sweet
That said, the PC market sucks, what is all this proprietary power source shit, why are SFF bodies and GPUs a thing w
wwwwwwww wow, more stupid bullshit no one asked for, but now shackled to google's special protocol no one supports! >>16371 wwww shortcomings like not being able to nest protocols arbitrarily deep! Way more important than say, dedicated with line dedicated auth line* or maybe make the websocket protocol not fucking suck
>>16371 websocket is a magic protocol where they decided to do both encoded length and sequence indicators so you could just be waiting forever on an endless stream of petabyte packets you have to hold on to until it terminates >>16374 notably QUIC is on top of TCP, and the main use case I’ve seen is just dumping TCP or UDP on top of QUIC wwwww no market router supports it, or ever will (sadly same for IL), so it’s always going to be nested Which means it’s not inherently more encrypted or whatever than just encryption on top of TCP
>HTTP historically used plaintext TCP, which has negative consequences for security, since anyone monitoring communications can read requests and responses. Today, websites and web browsers prefer to encrypt all HTTP communications to help keep everyone safer and protect sensitive data. QUIC's encryption by default supports that goal. >>16373 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hilarious
it's da bun making postings wow need to impress people into postings once again hmm, had an idea for another plop animation, but I lost it, probably for the best I think it was a particularly annoying one
>>16420 no such thing although I guess I stopped right before the DLC boss not for any reason really, just didn’t have the time since I got into Yakuza 9 w
>>16429 ... no..., it's a role where you spend a lot of time in the box >>16431 I mean, the pro leagues are kinda a mess, like whenever I see a game on TV I think of how much more tactical it was being in there than how they're playing www That said NHL is practically a no checking league now, real shame wwwww Same with college, ever since Big10 incorporated you don't get the bench clearers you used to with like Alaska-Fairbanks or Notredame >>16431
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I got like, 1 hat trick, 6-7 goals total, probably north of a solid year of penalty minutes Loved checking, knew all the techniques to make it as painful as possible, fully doing the rising J so they'd get fully lifted off the ground got a season expulsion (on the last game of the season) for pulling out the Stone Cold Stunner on a guy who kept trying to punch me from behind while I was sitting in deflection position www
wwwww look I am retarded okay I played hockey for like 10 years and I don't know shit about the professional league
I never liked checking as a kid, or like When I played jn high school, someone tried to fight me and I just looked at him like... what are you doing.. its a game Oh I was the bottom of the barrel Bad in every sport I ever tried wwww
We are -- You are the player I hated wwwwwwwwwwwwww
Imma try and start watching sports so I can like have friends and stuff to talk about wwww
I do have friends! Just want more! Or like idk my college friends are all into sports and I wasn't, so I'm tryna find more people like them, ya know?
Need to find people outside work but be ing a college town a lot of the people around are uh
>friends outside work Yes www Where
Yeah… not so good prospects now that smoking and drugs are less popular and you’re expected to be professional off the clock for basically every job now too
Goddamnit Yeah, gonna go thru peeps hiking and try talking to peeps at sports bars too
Could probably take up beer leagues, or hunting but like, expensive, and I don’t really want to kill and have to process anything neee to figure out where to meet people to go on nature walks here
is used there much? That's what I do here Any old things like advertisements on newspapers or forums are just really old people and.. they're nice and fun to talk to, but not to go play vidyas or try to date www
No idea theres some app everyone in Lisbon uses but it is always Brits explicitly saying "no Americans" www
i wonder if the old ticket board for that kind of thing is still up in the student union basement was at least still around and being used in 2015 same as they described it in On the Road
vip gitflow or tbd or what alternative do you recommend we have no standards www might as well pick something or maybe the best standard is not having one
Eh? We just use git, it does the things itself if you take the time to learn it. w
>>16486 and notably have someone who a large part of their job is wrangling git because no automation makes // is as good a solution as someone just giving a shit
Sorry, I thought the purpose of git was rebasing and using git blame I'll commit random crap, oh it doesn't work anymore, rebase, alright it works now, then carefully step forward til it's all working together I guess my style isn't the best either but it's how I like to use git
horrifying wwww I guess they drilled into my head the golden rule back in uni: "Don't commit code that doesn't work" wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
👀 uhh y-yeah I was never given a uni course on git My coworkers don't understand git and still email me their code wwww
I mean, we didn't really have a course on git, there were just a few that had it as //learning it as a weeder. >>16493 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww just, on it's own or like as patches which would be far more useful...
Usually just a zip file of the entire folder or sometimes, since it's 1 func per file, just the extra files and then the edited file.
>>16495 Nothing but horror stories about that language wwww everything is indexed wrong amazing
I understand the benefit of matlab. The "oh the index starts at 1 and not 0" is such a stupid argument, who the hell cares about that But things like matlab GUIs being unresponsive and having weird quirks that no one else does, or the licensing on various systems being a hassle... those are real issues I feel like
>>16499 I find both of those fairly mundane Once matlab gets into callbacks and GUIs is where it falls apart Using matlab just for quick math like matrix multiplication and then a nice plot of the data is where it shines big time Global namespace is kinda annoying but not the end of the world
they start at 1 and go row-wise instead of column wise awful
Well, all of this is subjective www It has benefits, it has downsides -- just like all languages :) except rust
there are only downsides to rust for loops are the only good thing man has ever invented, death to the slice cultists
Global namespace is fine, and where it isn't there are ample ways to deal with it, cracking headers or symbol level
Most times I do a slice loop, I realize later I also need the index and I really ought to have simply used a for i in range(len(data)) instead of for d in data Just wish it was easier to type that range of len of
for(i=data[0];i!='\0';*i++) undefeated (do not do this) >>16506 but what about ++i? >>16506 ... 1+3+4+4?? if it's 2 it's 2+4+5+5 although it depends on the compiler, I don't think it's actually in the spec that preincrement returns at all
We get confused by i++ or i += 1 so we have to use i = i + 1
Okay vip vip
i = 1 x = i++ + ++i + ++i + i++ We could not fucking understand why it was the way it was We had a thought and then we set i = 2 and then it fell apart Or we swapped the i++ vs ++i around and always failed We spent like 2 hours on this (very productive, I know) I dont ghave a computer so I cant verify but it was dumb
>>16508 I mean, TBD is the closest to what you should be doing there's not really any call to have long-lived version branches unless you CADT some whole subsystem or something wwwwwww it's how git was originally envisioned! The whole reason there aren't a bunch of the old SVN 'features' www although directory pulling is missed...........
i agree but then reviews take too long but i also dont like the idea of having a master branch a development branch and smaller branches that are merged to develop why overcomplicate
less merge = better Never found reviews too much of a burden but I guess CI linting/builders helps with that github makes you pay for that stuff though (it's not really hard to set up on your own git host for free though, but our company is allergic to not spending money)
yeah, that's pretty universal, no one likes reading other people's code, and it doesn't show up well on metrics that's the whole reason for those stupid code quality linters and the issue checkboxes every project has for PRs >>16512 good god damn >>16514 Make a startup together inevitable failure in 3 months due 2 gaysex
you should become our lead dev instead based on our minecraft gameplay we work well together
Cks Co.
I am a straight white male with 0 fetishes now too bad! do i count as white? maybe not even white
we have all the filters enabled
they just put the code in smaller functions
50 nested ifs? no problem, just put them all in a separate function so the quality checks think it's fine
Blade Runner I've seen things speech but it's me describing our codebase
wwww get in charge of the git and put a bunch of code quality filters that auto-reject everyone else's code >>16514 pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft straight as an inner-city rail line and as few fetishes as a catholic neighborhood
wwww maximum stack depth: 3 I get that they suck in Java, something something enums again, but good god why are people allergic to switch()
>>16516 Yeah, that's a pretty standard Java pattern The old minecraft source code pretty much enforces this kind of thing, fucking booleans. What was wrong with <<2 based enums? Way more degenerate than aforementioned fetishes wwww >>16519 But early returns are bad! Ignoring that that only applies to things which require constant time execution like password compare, and that if you do that you also need to ensure constant time execution...
at least it's not try{ if (!bad){...} else {throw new e} } catch (e) { return; }
pitching and catching being harmed by this try except shit microsof teams worst program at least it's not slack
i want to quit
wow me2
although I might have a chance to ascend to the plane of pet engineer that just goes to conferences all the time next month and doesn't have to actually use the tools anymore wwww barring that just need to get my payout and run
wwwww hopefully get a job that gives me EU citizenship to do less annoying stuff
some day OpenCL will actually be something that can be used wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I kid matrix SIMD and limited MIMD will always be locked down to NVIDIA cards with special drivers that have shit performance
I've been told GPUs have gotten much more useable for us in the past 20 years Well, like, before GPUs were good at very large matrix multis but not many at the same time, like is done in graphics processing. But now GPUs are powerful at small matrix multis but a lot repeatedly, which makes ML and BF very nice. :)
wwwwwww a lot better at tessellation and fragment shading, which if you were a smart and clever programmer would make a lot of interesting possibilities and new ways to... OR THEY COULD JUST FILL THE IO BUS WITH DMMS TO TRY AND BRUTE FORCE IT THE OLD WAY WOW wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww seriously, all the ML/AI GPUs are kinda shitty GPUs but with a bunch of fast flash memory on the IO port instead of making programmers grapple with hardware locality wwwww why maintain state in the GPU when you can just PRETEND everything isn't IO bound!
I'm not that knowledgable about this honestly. We have a hefty set up for beamforming and they all discuss the issue with IO, but I've never personally dealt with jt. it*
well, 'problem with IO', the real issue is with data segmentation wwww if you can cut up a problem into a bunch of sequential steps you can just pipeline and buffer swap a bunch and then get the final result
wow tested >>16664 waow that is not a very good alcohol >>16666 the debil wwww I mean, more UI is better in games! get lost in menus!
more complicated, like minecraft,complicated minecraft mods is good
they added 500 new mechanics this game is impossible
also checkem
i get they want to make it mor complex but why add unfun bullshit military industrial complex you pick what the company adds as a bonus to the gun the division will use yeah let's add more menus and my screen is covered in popups great design only play ussr, it's good, only need land warfare who needs planes and ships, true gameplay
The nightingale sings such a beautiful tune You can listen all night by the light of the moon Now my song's not as pretty, but I'll say it again. I am proud to be one of the buns in the glen.
seeeeee here a man is buuuuuun and we pronounce him born to fight with long hare over his shoulders, see how he carries him into the night we'll make a bun of him, put him to a trade teach him to play monopoly, not to sing in the rain
>>16768 So a story for this song Buddy and I were roadtripping to Utah and we were playing the Pixar soundtrack the entire time We stopped to get gas in the middle of nowhere Utah and there was some pub (or something) across the street from us. This song was blaring in our car and across the street, we see police cars at the restaurant and they are pulling this dude out of the restaurant with his shirt off And he gets thrown to the ground and "It's the tiiiiime of your life. So live it well" is just blaring It was iconic
>>16825 Everyone love certs these days even though they're dumb bullshit that mean nothing GO sure is a language but it's a better rail line >>16826 creat would be nice if someone made a CREAT + gegtek balanced pack ;
>>16827 i need to get mine as well but i dont want to move all my figs from my desk for online exam why cant half naked plugsuit asuka be allowed in exams
kay, whats legitimately wrong with python? I haven't had any issues with it and I don't really make any footguns with it Lets me program fast enough and if I need it faster, I make a Cython module I guess it works for me in scientific work
I dont get it for web app or anything I suppose
I also didnt get burned on python2 -> python3 conversion
Goto and switch are in fact vital programming language features slow yeah, threading model bad, print bad, insane object model uh rhwres a bunch of weird shit like the first 150 odd numbers are slower to access for no reason?? Typing is in fact a good thing, or at least declarations memory management also good if you want to do anything of note did I mention that tab/whitespace being significant is retarded, and having WHICH of them you use being significant doubly so also wwwwww datetime holy shit actually a bunch of standard lib stuff like that is way easier in C despite that being the supposed strength like I could make a fmtprint datetime converter faster than figuring out how to make python create datetime and conver to print
>tab vs space fuck Yeah that's retarded I really really enjoy the numeric python library. It's a beast and I use that and scipy. numpy + scipy is all I ever use Python for. If those libraries exist elsewhere, hell, that's all fine by me. But having a stack of filters, all the windows, ezpz FFTs, mm baby I wish they had better normalizers But oh well. I mainly really appreciate those two libraries
>>16840 the only experience I have with datetime is python's datetime and matlab's datetime So I don't know any better Also what's shitty is python's datetime only goes to milliseconds Why do you need nanoseconds? Nope, not gonna happen. You gotta use numpy's datetime to use nanoseconds. Stupid
VIPPER wwwwwwwww good god In C we have nanosecond timer www in vlong or int[4]
www but yeah I think the C solution for most of those is ‘use cuda shaders stupid’
timedelta is retarded too It took a while but I eventually understood it >cuda oof oooof I say oof but honestly the cuda functions are pretty decent honestly Well I've only had to use the FFT function for beamforming but still
Well openCL will be real one day! for real not just one of khrobos's many abandoned children
>>16838 i had to use 4 libraries to convert between types dont remember exactly but it looked something like python std math lib -> MathSex -> SexMathLib -> MathToSex -> String
oh and when i installed a new version it somehow nuked the old one and removed my installed dependencies with it. or hid them somewhere. i think i only upgraded X.X.2 sorry 3.X.2 to 3.X.3 lol solution is to use Le Containerz everything should work with conrainers!!! please always silently nuke my dependencies
>>16849 wwwwww there are several python scripts I have here that are just exec wrappers for 9c progs I made >>16850 >>16851 Yeah that’s pretty typical in python. It’s a simple program with only 10 lines of code! 8 of them are imports of random libraries with a billion dependencies! wwwwwww containerization doesn’t solve that problem, just makes it so you are less likely to update Solving the dynamic linking problem, that dynamic linking is pointless, by never updating and sending out versions of dynamic libs with your program, never mind the only reason to link dynamically is so someone can replace the lib with a new version and get security updates or whatever "without recompiling dependent programs" wwwwwwwwww
b-but, avoiding duplication, saving disk space!
avoiding duplication by having multiple versions of the library on the disk instead of compiling it in to programs that are generally not much bigger than the PIC/PIE overhead w
>>16856 cyclic dependencies are the linux way now! Everything depends on DBUS which depents on things that depend on it, magical.
recommended deployment method on the github is docker -> not getting installed ever
we have 5 billion tools yet none can compensate for lack of brain
i want to write in C like in the song
how has every other language fucked up file operations so badly why does OPEN in python have different cases for 'binary' and 'text' wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww was read() really that hard for people
>>16849 remind me to do thus sometime i have a cool idea this*
wwww I mean, I have no idea how efficient that is, probably not exceedingly. if only you could make your code all C and just expose the I/O to python wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww frustrating the spirit of the standards
>>16877 wowowow but it was cute when it was smaller looking too~ I mean, of course~~ big enough compared to anime girl for good hogluing videos now wwwww
losing 30kg was a good idea my penisu looks way bigger now i bet you would like to see it vip
DID SOMEBODY SAY AIR? Listen up Bunners, we've something great for you It's something you can feel and breathe and see right through ... fell behind AIR AIR AIR It'll blow you right away
>>17174 Finally, now you can play Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas as it was meant to be played, with fucking lunatic control scheme
i forgot which game we were playing i remember not having f row made it impossible to do something minecraft??
wow wow now that you have the full SIZE full LENGTH BIG DICK keyboard you can uh see where to place torches and what the chunk boundaries are... yeah that was probably it, since multiblocks can't go across them
#q (Chikada "JJ" Wasei - Professed Intention and Real Intention / STARRY PLANET☆ - Kirari☆Party♪Time / Cyberia - speEd / Dola, Ryushen - Shangri-La / Mori Calliope - Excuse My Rudeness, But Could You Please RIP?)
#q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 0/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement ) fuck it whatever #q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 0/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement ) #q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 1/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement ) wow look at that it works
#q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 0/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement ) wow
>>17245 wow show me ur hole #q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 0/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement ) wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
do you know what a pain in the ass it was to make that work? it's fucking hysterical how dogshit nodejs's three different modes simply do not work together, so if something is written in async you get to go and fuck yourself with any sequential or promise code or with any other async code the end result is that the best way to do this is write an independent submodule program and then dump it in childProcess.executeSync or whatever
>>17246 this exact problem recently caused a project to get cancelled and people were fired to shrink team size haha turns out project is too ambitious for shitware flamework like nodejs
oof >>17247 Every project is too ambitious for nodeJS cat is too ambitious for nodeJS >>17249 write in C turn out better. >>17250 wow wow nodeJS is a completely different language than that now! Isn't that exciting, a full new mode of concurrency has been added in the time between wwww one that ALSO sucks
did I mention that despite having THREE different concurrency methods nodeJS is a single-threaded language? so the result is that there is a parallel execute mode, which does not execute in parallel but rather in pipeline, which is different from the pipeline mode which does something completely different, also there's waterfall which as far as I can tell is just the same as pipeline? >>17251 don't worry, this is the main use case for Rust, to be transpiled into webASM and either hosted as Node or talking to a Node backend.
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Yeah even the original dev hates node, posted a long anti-nodeJS screed a full decade ago wwwwww
>>17253 Java's development is speeding up, look how high they've pushed the version number in just a few short years! The Firefox method of development, make the number bigger but don't make any actual bugfixes wwww
>Java is a DSL to transform big XML documents into long exception stack traces. – Scott Bellware hahahahahaha
at least it gave us minecraft wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww now even microsoft is shackled to writing unsupportable towers of factoryvisitoriteratorfactors >>17255 Naturally for the reimplementation of Minecraft they chose C#, which has all the shortfalls of Java, but uh uh
is owned by microsoft? >>17257 oh maybe, I know VintageStory is C# sadly no one doing minecraft/-likes seems much interested in SIMD though,e ven though it's uniquely suited to it www
>>17257 wwwwwww C++ has problems because memory management sucks in it compared to C, let's put it in a language that doesn't have memory management! wwwwwww the most popular Java mods improve performance by using a bunch of frameworks that let them drop into explicit malloc and free calls
just rewrite in RUST it's *MEMORY SAFE* and so is INTERCAL! but there isn't an evangelist strike force waiting to demand you make your program useless with it in every successful project's request page wwwwww
i remember my friend told me exacty 8 years ago "you only play hoi4" yes i only play hoi4
no! play not-hoi #poi ! #q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 0/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement ) wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww it's Gregtech New Horizion but I haven't logged in or played at all
#q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 1/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement ) hmmmm something something FORGE doesn't use the 1.7+ ver of SLP or the SLP lib doesn't do it oh well
why are people so afraid of merging to master there are at least 6 ways to recover from a bad merge
goal was to update to new java version i did that 2 months ago on top of that added 10 other things now we have a monster pull request that was reviewed 5 times tested 5 times but never merged every time something new was added it broke something so had to be tested again now there's a new app depending on its completion only if we had merged 2 months ago it wouldnt be a problem
>>17523 because int works and integer is stupid bullshit for retards??? What the fuck >>17522 wwww at least when we break things we can blame someone else for blocking it massive release merges…… madness but business likes it more than small good changes
Or like only one guy knows how one of the systems works and he’s gone all of the time
He said, bunners, it's been good to know ya The VIPPER wired in he had water coming in and the good ship and crew was in peril And later that night when his lights went out of sight, came the wreck of the edmund fitzgeraldddd
11 plops an hour such a deadly speed 11 plops an hour at the time and place of greed
viiiiiiiiiiip help me qt requires a lot of packages and >xkbcommon-x11 required *not found too >sudo apt install libxkbcommon-x11-0 >libxkbcommon-x11-0 is already the newest version fuck im retarded pls delete this message
xkb fucking sucks though, at least it’s better than what it replaces, so everything has to support both xkb and xlib! and also the three for Wayland yay! None of them believe in global handles despite there being more of a global context there than in w32 which does have rhat
>>17727 wow homophobic friends that don't want you to suck a dick and/or die awful
i mean we just launched the first rocket in factorio so we dont wanna die before we figure out how the FUCK to do anything with it raaaa it is frustrating
>>17871 microui is The One Portable Good One! wwwwwwww even works on plan9! With massive caveats about old swapping (on 9front I mean, the rest of the world has given up on display siding)
oh I was thinking of gtk vs qt but uh didn't know if there was something else good out there too microui kinda just looks like the smallest little wrapper possible with nothing to it >>17874 I was hoping for, like, good plotting and data visualization frameworks and such too >unstable yeah you got that right there. I use Qt a lot and it's quite the case when something random just stops working for supposedly no reason after I add 2 variables or something
>>17873 Wwww yeah those are both super over complicated and unstable Plus they’re like, tied in to GNOME/KDE in such a way that they’re huge DE lock-in mechanisms there's a bunch of libnuklear frameworks (?, mostly not big enough to be called that) that are pretty cool too
>>17938 First step in make good sql queries: don’t if you must do as few as possible as simply as possible anything not the very most common and simple CRUD will fuck up in disastrous and novel ways >>17940 everybody run from a kigger with a gun
>>17941 It's probably not SQL's fault, but my coworker's code took 30 seconds to parse ~400 database entries and I said... prolly doesnt take that long to which she replied, there's nothing I can do about it So I don't really think it's SQL's fault and it's prolly her fault But I'm gonna at least be familiar with "good" SQL queries
Plopmorning >>17949 that does sound wrong, if it’s multiple queries or something could be or just the server w
probably just needs a simple JOIN or something if it's doing multiple pulls from different tables
I don't _really_ know what's going on, I helped fix another thing Hey vip wtf why isn't that italicized I dropped her query from 60 sec to 30 sec by parsing user input more efficiently but uh now I wanna look at the next 30 sec issue Pains me to not finish a problem
Actually I'm realizing it's not even that wwww, there's only a set of integers allowed too wwww
Anyway uh so my coworker was loading the following on a single event: Reading ~800 files, then performing ~1200 SQL queries. If I may toot my own horn a bit, but I got it down to reading 1 file and 4 SQL queries. Now the SQL queries are like 5000 characters each but hey Takes 0.4-0.6 seconds now
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I mean, what's the point of SQL if you have files but eh could probably get it down to 1 with the proper packet separation and joins
yeah uh our database is horrible first introduction to SQL and there's ~100 tables, event_id is not unique and the database is basically just info to folder paths and lists of pngs
>>17964 bro I wanted to slap the creator (1 chair over) for using the same fucking id wwwwwwwww it isn't for us cuz there may be 2 boats at the same coordinates at the same time for a joint trial Although not exactly the same coords lol
>>17963 this is EVERY sql deployment what do you MEAN that the only unique joining field is PHYSICAL LOCATION COORDINATES IN LONGLAT?????? www address is in 3 different formats in different tables and they're all wrong, and none of them are the actual one we are legally required to keep????? >>17965 Yeah don't use anything that isn't in the base CRUD set, AVLs and PLSQL are BAD even directional joins are a bit iffy
wwwwww okay okay you got me vip I'll say it felt good to clean this up I learned about subqueries and it's like eeeehhhhh imma just stick with 4 separate queries ok ok >directional join hmm didnt know this existed I have no reason to use it but test
test #q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 1/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement ) >>17968 yeah that's been that way forever might even do that on /tea/ wwwww
imma test again yeah So
Okay if you post, press Return, the post stays open. Then write another post and only the first word works and it goes to the old post wwwww
vip i asked her if she played ff she said "no but my ex girlfriend did" she could be trans bi or les or cis lol
i stopped caring after a while because it doesn't matter but that was a fun moment her friend was cis gay dude into bara we bonded over bara he disliked fujo oriented yaoi i disliked his dislike
>>18032 wow, lame fake beargay guy should love all yaois and sex with fujos bisex threesome >>18033 wwwwwwwwww had seggs last weekend w/ a boy Come playge minecrafr !!!! gregtech new horizon >>18034 one of each!
>>18036 you should see uhh-kun's boobs these days #q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 1/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement ) minecrugfff!
>>18119 It’s so awful fully functional programming language with a billion plugins that barely works and looks like shit why do you need a daemon to compile code?! mkfiles so much easier >>18120 wwwwwwwwwwwwwww i mean, often the standards are stupid and wrong but usually that means working around them rather than ignoring them
fucking gradle they deprecated shit but isnt actually deprecated!!!!!!!! because they didnt write an alternative yet!!!!! IM RAGINF RAGINGGGG
DAEMON TO COMPILE it generates the files IN THE WRONG folder recommended fix is to move your main classes there but it doesnt move your classes it moves the generated ones WHAT??? THAT'S NOT HOW YOU WRITE SYNTAX
guy is like you can use naming conventions brother youre not using ANY naming conventions I AM USING
then he goes gradle good it has powerful scripts i ask him "but are you using any" he says but he can BUT ARE YOU????
names are like this
ThingSTUFFFileConfig good naming
no C but we almost used Go Go would be better
ah also if script says
move file dir you assume the file would be moved to that dir no files in dir move to default dir what? ?????
true power comes from simplicity documentation uses deprecated stuff thankfully they're fake deprecated why tag it deprecated then is it like "will be deprecated" wheres the alternative then
first implement the alternative so people can switch rigjt how fucking retarded
little over a year and im surprised i havent verbally abused anyone yet
>>18126 Two version behind, only the most popular use case, formatted horribly and only available online as a website, and has a bunch of unrelated shit that presumable has to already be done to even install it. >>18130 JS did that too, we regret our whole OS so let's deprecate everything!// our whole language I mean >>18129 It does everything poorly but also ties your hands! It's memory safe (so is java and python) except when it isn't (always)!
At least java gave us minecraft www
OOP is a meme and only meme people work with it actually gradle is a meme too people read Cool Tech Software News New Languages!! New Frameworks!! then they fall for the memes and use them at work they fully believe what theyre doing is good while it's completely unusable your obscure tech is not cool as my obscure tech because mine gets newd article and is funded by big corporations never heard yours so it must be bad i wish i started 30 years ago or so
yes we use meme queues on the cloud
wait so on cloud on kubernetes on docker on gradle on jvm
how many containers is that yes kafka too
at least 6 containers so fast!!
container in daemon in vm in daemon in container in cm vm*
>>18132 Why can't I use ruby/haskell/etc in production?! RC? C? Too obscure, who would be able to support that, let's use a framework invented last week that will be forgotten in a month. Why build custom signalling or use 9P when you can dump everything in some meme queue on the cloud like ES or redis! or uh that other one that sucks forgot the name kafka! >>18132 wwwwww we need docker because everything changes between versions, no we won't statically link what if someone updated the library over security problems?! K8S is such dogshit, why not just use actual hardware?! Because you're too stupid to set up actual filesystems and shares?!!
>>18135 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww CI/CD AND Gradle! Just bake your "CI/CD" stuff into git hooks, wait but they totally don't have their own git server do they, probably paying out the ass for github every time you run one w >>18137 But you also can't view the logs to debug with because it's their server and it goes to some special place no one can access!
>>18136 why have your own git server when you can pay others !!!!!!
who marketed this?? who convinced everyone that maintaining your own stuff was harder than maintaining stuff on someone else's computer that they also have to maintain ????1
join the gay sex industry wait that's all on apps too now awful
>>18140 there's no network industry here ww there is but they dont hire / rarely do very small if you count cloudflare and cisco theyre here too yeah germany has lots of cool jobs i guess asml and phillips counts too >>18140 apply here 1 person that wouldnt anger me
>>18142 ?! What Most of the network giants are based in germany wwww nokia and tmobile and a bunch of others wwwwwww getting bought out by the german state's federal marshall plan bank >>18142 violating your intra-office dating policy~ >>18144 If it ever stopped the industry would collapse, where would the market be for trainings and conferences if everyone just used the stuff that works?! FOSSDEM is coming up! Gotta go rub elbows wwwww They want me to go to conferences w >>18144 Wish industry conferences were more like comiket with gay sex orgies afterwards >>18145 hosting conference with mandatory orgy after
i actuallt have no clue how i'll switch careers i feel like OOP java shit cicd cloud crap is designed to keep people in for mant years. always some new bullshit to learn
>>18144 Explaning our stack -- harasaki image in the background >>18147 They're all bullshit these days fake job listings and ones with fake high requirements w
i heard job listings are usually bullshit and it's easy to switch i feel like everyone'll turn me down because no low level programming work experience
no house no C no passport
need to hang in there for a bit more for house and pass
>>18148 don't think anyone really cares about that w here it's all about experience wwwwwwwww ascending to the architecture development zone where no actual code is written someday >>18148 PHD in multiman hotglueing >>18150 Get into HPC stuff, no one does it in the industry but it's THE FUTURE and still fairly low level inherently looks good on resumes wwwww
>>18150 WARNING, WARNING OLD MEN WARNING minecrafting @ work w #q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 1/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement ) >>18152 Set up MPI here but haven't done much with it yet, probably should throw some demos on it. >>18153 Lots of bullshit courses here but the CS ones are generally good (well the CS focused ones instead of the industry focused ones) don't think I'd want to do more of that though too expensive here
my prof in uni was doing some stuff related to it i think probably not a good idea to talk about it here
another reason why i want masters and phd actually they actually teach cool stuff here in unis exams suck big time and theyre torture but course content is good no useless courses, all CS related
gobble gobble yall >>18157 if only there were still research companies like CSRC for computer now everyone does research badly internally if they do it at all
i enjoyed doing research, was fun courses were fine i guess. i didnt care much for them though
>>18158 None of those companies actually do anything www part of a massive check-kiting scheme that keeps people employed with busywork who are just effectively there as numbers on a spreadsheet
amazing how much of the industry is like that www
I wonder if/when it'll tumble down thin the herd
we got pretty close there when they raised the fed interest rate wwwwwww it'll be funny if tarrifs actually kill JIT manufacturing and we get economic resiliency back completely on accident a bunch of companies I know are setting up warehousing corporations in the US to do massive stockpile imports before the new year wwwwwwww
oh vip we have a solution to gleba sort of couldn't figure out how to stop the dick fingers from killing our base all the time, but we just have a wall of spidertrons cuz turrets, lasers, and flamethrowers all get destroyed or they just walk right past them but spidertrons, those guys finally kill
wwwwwwwww oh yeah the fucking duneworms spidertrons with the mortars
nah nah the duneworms die to artillery ezpz
but the spidertrons but as the enemy are so fucking annoying for us like uh Every step they take, every move they make, they'll be watching you and also every step they take they do an AoE on the ground and like 3 hits just kills you fuck them so hard
haven't actually gotten there yet w been absorbed in da mince raft ...
>>18265 wwwwww os.exec! Two bytrbuffers for I/O even though programs can have arbitrary number of fid wow and The io is actually utf8 100% of the time garbage >>18266 python should go the way of PHP, it is just as stable and regular java is heading that way now with their 100+ versions in the same time period as the initial 4
>>18275 the one locked in to nvidia RIP vulkan compute is the future!
Everybody got their own undocumented compute API now at least the proprietary blobs aren’t needed in the kernel anymore, now they’re on the device itself.
>>18444 in da flesh! the actual real inabun! >>18445 just be on here constantly and never miss anything! and encourage random strangers you meet to do the same
i am very drunk and upset!! attractive enough for all sexes and genders not attractive enough for sex or something i dont know anymore!!!! legalize drugs and murder and rape
you know deus ex human revolution is anti-vax wwwww just noticed that there's a section in game where you can get upgrades or something to treat DDS i think turns out that treatment is bad and has consequences turns it puts virus in you or something dont remember what a shit game they never understood deus ex (2000)
>>18706 it was really bad yeah combat sucked and the levels were all really restrictive the later ones were worse wwwww >>18708 gotta get vodka for nye
>>18759 I do not remember the city honestly. Really only went there as a kid and mainly for the Cherry Festival in Traverse. I think that's a good tourist thing You know what's funny is I saw a British couple flying to Grand Rapids and I was so taken aback that I had to ask them what the hell they were doing in Grand Rapids... they were going for the Electric Forest festival! wwww We tried sneaking in before, never tried actually paying for tickets
Good place for cabaning last two times I went there were horrid storms and the roads got cut off for a few days, other than that was pretty neat, the city out at the point is pretty nice
No they were older friends of friends pretty big age gap between them too wwwwww real lib types Went and had some shampain at da park to watch explosions going to bed neo nigtbuns where that bird I wann smooch hkm
Gay the plop away >>18867 thry won’t let me post this because plopbeast is forbidden
Please forward to everyone in your contact book regardless of whether the get it or not Da feesh and stuco and lizard and Ohio was there but I was already asleep
>>19173 one of the worst withdrawls >>19175 just installed it last week after I picked up a replacement ssd for my x230 one that fried havenr had much time to mess around with it, on double vacation in Dublin
still interested in doing something with venti but it seems it’ll never be done, wonder if I can make gefs clients like the venti ones
>>19285 because C is too hard! So let’s make all the programmers learn something that has stupider assumptions rather than just let the ones that can’t hack it do something useful
>>19357 wow integrating a package manager in the language turned out to be retarded? Who could have guessed! You could always have just not depended on a billion dependencies for "isNumber", or had a real stdlib that had features people want but no.
Better Than Wolves is better than vanilla! the spawn changes are good wish villager didn't suck and the stupid new merchant was implemented better and raids... >>19410 Oh yeah CREATE eh, after a while it seems pretty unbalanced and hogs so much resources, would be cool if it was more limited in scope could go back to PFAA, still way ahead of VintageStory in terms of features
wwwww I mean GTNH is pretty good but on this machine can only do it OR anything else oh no daydrinking w
MIT is a meme right masachuchu anyone who thinks python is the greatest language to ever exist has to be memeing "but indentation issues arent that big of a problem" you have invented a new problem to be solved not even considering every other wheel you reinvented
should I ask her out #flip (false) ok #q (Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 (probably modded) Players: 0/20 MOTD: You will be entered into an entire new world of excitement )